The Catching Up with Casey Show

A live podcast dedicated to sharing the most impactful ways to align teams so they have shared values, are heading in the same direction, and experience fulfillment at work! On this show, we catch up on anything and everything that has to do with building cohesive, vision driven school teams that make sustainable change happen, even when change seems impossible! 

Casey Watts's Coaching & Consulting
Beyond the Buzzwords: Culture vs. Climate with Brandon Jones
Beyond the Buzzwords: Culture vs. Climate with Brandon Jones collaboration culture how to leadership plcs professional learning communities relationships students teams Oct 15, 2024

Understanding Culture vs. Climate in Education: Insights from Brandon Jones

In this week’s episode of the podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Brandon Jones, founder of Driven by...

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Casey Watts's Coaching & Consulting
Assessments Gone Wrong: Barriers to Real Improvement with David Woodard
Assessments Gone Wrong: Barriers to Real Improvement with David Woodard assessment clarity collaboration data equity how to leadership plcs professional learning communities student learning students teams Sep 16, 2024

In this episode, David and I get real about something that’s holding schools back more than you might realize—flawed assessments.  David Woodard, Founder of Forefront...

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So You Want to Build an Instructional Playbook? clarity data how to instructional strategies leadership plcs professional learning communities teams Aug 27, 2024

Creating an Instructional Playbook: The Essential Pre-Painting Process

This past weekend, I set out to paint our office. Now, I’ve got my trusty overalls, splattered with layers of past...

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Casey Watts's Coaching & Consulting
Why EVERY Leader Needs an Elevator Pitch (and how to craft one that sticks)
Why EVERY Leader Needs an Elevator Pitch (and how to craft one that sticks) clarity how to introduction leadership role teams Aug 13, 2024

Every leader in education, from principals to instructional coaches, needs an elevator pitch—a concise, engaging explanation of their role that resonates with others. But why is this so...

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